In the UK, professional drivers of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) are required to undergo a HGV Medical Examination to ensure they are fit to drive. HGV medical examination is important for making sure drivers are fit to drive Heavy Goods Vehicles. The HGV medical test is conducted by a doctor. The HGV Medical frequency and requirements are listed below. Lets take a step by step approach to the test.

When do I need my HGV Medical Test ?

The HGV Medical frequency depends on the driver’s age and the type of HGV license they hold. Here are the general guidelines:

  1. First-time applicants: When applying for an HGV license for the first time, a medical examination is typically required.
  2. Drivers under 45 years old: If you’re under 45 years old and hold a Group 2 HGV license , your first HGV medical will last you until you are 45.
  3. Once you turn 45, the medical examination frequency changes to every five years until you reach 65 years of age.
  4. Drivers aged 65 and above: For drivers aged 65 and above, the medical examination needs to be conducted annually.

Who Carries out the HGV Medical Examination ?

HGV Medical Doctor
HGV Medical Doctor

The medical examination is carried out by a registered U.K Doctor. This means they must be fully registered with the General Medical Council (GMC). You can therefore take your HGV Medical Form to your local GP or you could find a more efficient and cost effective alternative such as DriverDoctors.

There is an Eye Test with the HGV Medical Examination. This can be completed by your doctor or an optician. And always check with your doctor he can complete both. Also some applicants prefer seeing their optician first for peace of mind.

Which Forms Do I need to take for my Medical Examination?

You need to take a D4 medical report form to your doctor. This is normally sent to you by the DVLA. So If it hasn’t been sent to you, you can find it at the post office. Furthermore You can download it here.

D4 Medical Form
D4 Medical Form for HGV Medical Test

What should I Expect at my Examination?

There will be a doctor who will complete your examination report and this will include an eye test and a medical questionnaire. Further the whole process takes 15-20 minutes. Although it is a simple process for the applicant and there is nothing strenuous or challenging expected from the applicant so dont worry.

What will happen during the Medical Assessment ?

The HGV Medical assessment is split up into many small parts so lets go through it:

HGV Medical Test
Blood Pressure being taken

Where should i send my HGV Medical Form ?

When your Doctor has completed the form, they will hand it back to you to complete any relevant sections. Furthermore you must send your D4 Medical Report form with your Application Form (D2/D47) with any other required information to DVLA, Swansea. SA99 1BR.

Do I need to pay for this examination?

There is a charge for the medical to be conducted. The GMC or DVLA do not set a fee. Therefore the charge is variable. Your GP may set a fee upwards of £100. However here at DriverDoctors we charge £45 which is the cheapest nationwide.

Does the HGV Medical Test Expire ?

Yes you have 4 months from the date of signature to send it to the DVLA. The DVLA must receive it within 4 months of the examination. So If they receive it after this they will states the medical examination has expired and you must send in a new form. Although once received you will need the test at the same HGV Medical frequency as listed before.

What Should I remember to take to my Medical Examination ?

Is there anything that would change my HGV Medical Frequency?

Yes many chronic conditions such as diabetes, heart attacks, mental health illnesses may mean that the DVLA give you a shorter license and want you to have more frequent medicals. So this is therefore at the discretion of the DVLA and the specific condition you may have.

Will DriverDoctors Complete my HGV Medical?

Of course we will complete your medical. Moreover we will complete it at a fraction of the price of many other clinicians, so Book in your medical by clicking HERE.

Important Links for your HGV Medical Test

Remember You can Always Visit Our Home Page.

Book a Medical Directly By clicking Book Now.

Read More Latest News.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get a D4 Medical form from?

Please download from the DVLA Website. Furthermore also from our website during your application.

Where can I get a Taxi Medical form?

Please download Your Taxi Form from the Internet and also you can also Directly ask your council.

Do I need my medical history from my GP?

For a HGV/D4 form your form can be completed without a medical summary.

Then For different councils, different rules apply. Some councils require no medical history, some require a summary and some require full medical records.

Please consult with your council before booking your medical.

Will The Doctor Need to see my ID?

Yes, your doctor will need to see photographic ID moreover to prove who you are. Furthermore Taxi councils specify which I.D they accept.

How long is my D4 Medical form valid for after my medical?

The form must reach the DVLA within 4 months of the assessment. 

Can I fail my medical?

Yes you can fail and also you will be told if you have and the steps you need to take so you can rectify the situation.

Can I wear glasses/contact lenses?

You can wear glasses or contact lenses to pass your medical. Furthermore If you wear contacts you may be asked to remove them, so bring a spare pair. You must also bring your prescription with you if you wear glasses.

How can I obtain my medical records?

You can request your GP records from your own practice by asking the reception staff. They may charge you for this. Also You must check with your council before booking if you require any records, a summary or full records.

Furthermore This must be done or you medical may not be able to be completed.

How do I cancel a medical?

Please call or email us if you require a medical to be cancelled, also please note we this must be done within 72 hours of your appointment otherwise we will not be able to issue a refund.

Who will complete my medical?

All forms are completed by doctors therefore you can be assured by our service.

Useful links and references

Assessing fitness to drive: a guide for medical professionals

D4 medical examination report for a Group 2, bus or lorry licence

Information for drivers with diabetes treated by non insulin medication, diet, or both.

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