What Does a HGV Medical Involve?

If you’re thinking of driving a heavy goods vehicle (HGV), you’ll need to pass a medical examination before you can get your licence. The HGV medical is designed to assess your fitness to drive a large vehicle safely.

The HGV medical involves the following:

The results of the medical examination will be used to decide whether you are fit to drive an HGV. If you are not fit to drive an HGV, you may be able to get a restricted licence that allows you to drive smaller vehicles.

The HGV medical is a requirement for all HGV drivers, regardless of their age or experience. It is important to remember that the HGV medical is not a one-off test. You will need to have a medical examination every year to renew your HGV licence.

Here are some of the reasons why you might fail an HGV medical:

If you fail an HGV medical, you will need to take steps to improve your health before you can take the medical again. You may need to see a doctor, take medication, or make lifestyle changes.

The HGV medical is an important part of ensuring that HGV drivers are fit to drive safely. By passing the medical, you can help to keep yourself and others safe on the road.

Where can I get the form?

To Drive A HGV you Need a Medical to be conducted and a D4 Form to be completed.

Here are some additional tips for passing your HGV medical:

By following these tips, you can increase your chances of passing your HGV medical and getting your licence.

Where can I get a HGV Medical ?


You can get a HGV Medical with DriverDoctors who are specialists in driver medicals.

Book your HGV Medical by clicking HGV Medical.

Remember You can Always Visit Our Home Page.

Book a Medical Directly By clicking Book Now.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get a D4 Medical form from?

Please download from the DVLA Website. Furthermore also from our website during your application.

Where can I get a Taxi Medical form?

Please download Your Taxi Form from the Internet and also you can also Directly ask your council.

Do I need my medical history from my GP?

For a HGV/D4 form your form can be completed without a medical summary.

Then For different councils, different rules apply. Some councils require no medical history, some require a summary and some require full medical records.

Please consult with your council before booking your medical.

Will The Doctor Need to see my ID?

Yes, your doctor will need to see photographic ID moreover to prove who you are. Furthermore Taxi councils specify which I.D they accept.

How long is my D4 Medical form valid for after my medical?

The form must reach the DVLA within 4 months of the assessment. 

Can I fail my medical?

Yes you can fail and also you will be told if you have and the steps you need to take so you can rectify the situation.

Can I wear glasses/contact lenses?

You can wear glasses or contact lenses to pass your medical. Furthermore If you wear contacts you may be asked to remove them, so bring a spare pair. You must also bring your prescription with you if you wear glasses.

How can I obtain my medical records?

You can request your GP records from your own practice by asking the reception staff. They may charge you for this. Also You must check with your council before booking if you require any records, a summary or full records.

Furthermore This must be done or you medical may not be able to be completed.

How do I cancel a medical?

Please call or email us if you require a medical to be cancelled, also please note we this must be done within 72 hours of your appointment otherwise we will not be able to issue a refund.

Who will complete my medical?

All forms are completed by doctors therefore you can be assured by our service.

Useful links and references

Assessing fitness to drive: a guide for medical professionals

D4 medical examination report for a Group 2, bus or lorry licence

Information for drivers with diabetes treated by non insulin medication, diet, or both.

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